The Chiropractor & The Snowboarder a Journey Over 16 years

ChiropractorI am very excited to announce two important initiatives –

Firstly –
I will be offering “One on One” mentoring to you, within the Vitality Wellness Centre in Middle Park, or at a convenient location in Melbourne.
I will also make this “One on One” service available, to those of you in all parts of Australia and the Globe, through Skype, Face Time, Viber, or other suitable voice activated media.

For several years I have mentored people from all walks of life, from those dealing with spinal cord injuries to AFL footballers who have lost their sense of passion for the game, or to people trying to achieve their personal goals with sport, business, health.

Every day I am faced with complex issues in dealing with my injury, every day I motivate myself to take up the challenges of life, from this I have learned to not only motivate myself, but to help so many who need that “boost of motivation” or maybe it’s as simple as a chat, to help you make some changes to your life and goals and importantly the key to keeping them.

Over the years I have spoken to Corporate teams, Sales and Marketing people, Investors and the area I truly love, our future leaders in our schools, YOU now have the opportunity to speak to me “One on One.”

My personalised mentoring doesn’t stop with the injured client, I will also be offering my vast experience to family members, and their loved ones.

We have all learned, recovery is not just about the injured one…

I truly want to make a difference!
By the end of the week, I will announce the details for booking “One on One” sessions.

From today, I will be scheduling bookings for the Skype / media calls – to book email me email either or

To get the timing right – you will need to give me your location, preferred times, afternoon, morning or evening.

Secondly –
I have 16+ years experience with my amazing chiropractor, mentor and friend Dr Simon Floreani, together we built the team that helped get me, to not just get me back on my feet, but kept me focused on my goals, a combination of health and mind set.
Simon and I have teamed together, through the Vitality Wellness Centre; we will be offering, our vast knowledge and experience to new clients to assist them with their individual recovery goals..From your initial evaluation, we will tailor a healing program, complete with a combination of Chiropractic care, Acupuncture, Reflexology, Massage, Physio, Energy work plus much more.

From over 16 years experience, Simon and I have combined the therapies I incorporated into my recovery from day 3 of my injury.

Many people dealing with a significant injury, think about “gym work or training” to gain their recovery, but they forget that their body and mind need internal love and alignment as well, which when combined together, will help to achieve your recovery goals.

Whether you have a spinal cord injury or not, your mind and body need love and we now offer you, the place and people to help you achieve your recovery, health, fitness goals.
In the first quarter of 2015, we will be launching an exciting new concept in Wellness, in Middle Park, a Centre, tailor made, 3-4 times the size of our current centre. This centre is going to be a “game changer” and I can’t wait to share more info and news with you all…..
Thankyou everyone for your support, I’m so excited for so many amazing things to come…
Please note there will be fees charged for services and the “One on One” mentoring, what won’t change is –
I will CONTINUE to mentor those in those early days of hospital or rehab at NO CHARGE…

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