Relentless Walking Against All Odds review from Catherine Perez..

from Catherine Perez – Reading Josh’s story gives people that ray of light that they have searching for,getting the word out so that people know that if you work hard you CAN improve yourself physically therefore,improving ALL aspects of your life! Negativity is not good for anybody it does not produce productivity a negative attitude pulls us down and holds us there,that is why it is VITAL that Josh has shared his story to show people that if you love yourselves,have faith and work hard you will see a change,a change for the good!!! We have to push all negativity from our minds,from our lives and this is a great message Josh sends(one of the many important messages) we must push away all negativity and fill this space with all things positive! ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE!!! THANK YOU Josh for sharing such a personal part of your life with us there is so much we take with us after hearing you speak and reading your book. You have inspired,encouraged more people and in more ways than you will ever know!
My daughter has always been positive and extremely determined and I never thought she could be anymore positive or determined,but after meeting you Josh and reading your book Sarah’s positive attitude and determination was bumped up a notch! Again,THANK Josh and your lovely Mum for all that you are so passionately doing for so many!!! May G-D continue to bless you always!!!
If you have not read Josh’s book I really encourage it and I think it is a great book to read whether you have a spinal cord injury or not I think this book can encourage and inspire all of us whatever our situations may be.

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