Name: Dave Urquhart Email: Subject: Presentation Message: Hi Josh – I had the pleasure of seeing you at the AFA event in Perth You certainly got my attention – I own a business where my team continually get involved in the crap and worry about things that might never…

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Feedback WA AFA Conference

Hi Josh, I had the incredible pleasure of listening to you speak at the AFA conference in Perth this morning. To say that I was blown away by you and your story is an understatement, you are a very remarkable human being and as for your Mum……amazing. Your story has…

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Sydney Fund Raiser 29th November 2014

Just hanging out with 280 legends at the #GiveItUpForSJ fundraiser last night in Sydney where I was the guest speaker…. What an amazing night to be a part of….. I always donate a copy of Relentless and last night I made sure to mention that the last fundraiser I spoke at, the book…

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Love me, hate me, read this post, don’t read the post, delete my page, I honestly don’t care, I’m done biting my tongue to protect other people’s precious feelings…..! For 12-13 years I’ve been helping/mentoring injured people as well as their families and friends, I never did it for any…

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