I’m the first to admit when I’m wrong and after my post last week you all proved that I definitely was wrong….. Yes there are people who take me for granted BUT there are way more who actually appreciate all that we do and that means so much to me, it’s what drives me to keep fighting not just for myself but for anyone I meet on this journey of mine…. The messages I received blew me away, I read every single one of them and it really made me reflect and open my own eyes to what’s really real, I truly appreciate my supporters on this page, you all banded together and lifted me from my cloudy head space and I hope one day I can meet you all some way or another…. After last weeks post I truly believe I am on the right path and just like my recovery it’s not going to be easy but the good days out way the bad, regardless what ratio of good to bad there is, it’s all learning ….. I want to do my own independent talks through Australia next year, I hope to be able to meet so many of you and then hopefully take my talks back overseas so I can meet the rest of you. I have great plans for 2015!
Thank you again all my RELENTLESS friends…. Your all amazing …. JWlast day PW

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