Here are some of the great testimonials and comments coming in which we’d like to share with you…

Please feel free to leave your comments or testimonials at the bottom of this page

I had the pleasure of listening to Joshs’ story today at the AFA Roadshow in Tassie. I have to say I left there feeling rather blown away at the sheer strength the human mind actually has. His journey and what he went through at what should’ve been the peak of his snowboarding career was truly inspiring and heart wrenching. Such a down to earth, grateful bloke, we could all take a leaf out of his book…. literally! To the Dr who recently told the other young boy not to read his book and that Josh was a liar….. How would you like your words? Swallowed whole with a little STFU on the side? Good on you Josh, I think everyone in that room today walked away never wanting to complain again about walking anywhere!

Tracy Moore – BT Financial


Hi Josh, I had the incredible pleasure of listening to you speak at the AFA conference in Perth this morning. To say that I was blown away by you and your story is an understatement, you are a very remarkable human being and as for your Mum……amazing. Your story has forced me to take a step back and reformulate my game plan, but actually in reflecting I was able to realise how good things are and that while there are always things to work toward, actually, things are pretty bloody good! I knew that already, but it’s nice to really contemplate it! For the record, I hope you’re charging lots for your public speaking and if you’re not, you should be!

Hi Josh – I had the pleasure of seeing you at the AFA event in Perth
You certainly got my attention – I own a business where my team
continually get involved in the crap and worry about things that might
never happen ( we are successful ) but I believe sometimes we need a
wake up call to know how good we have it. I would love to have you
present to the team

Dave Urquhart


Hi Josh, I had the incredible pleasure of listening to you speak at the AFA conference in Perth this morning. To say that I was blown away by you and your story is an understatement, you are a very remarkable human being and as for your Mum……amazing. Your story has forced me to take a step back and reformulate my game plan, but actually in reflecting I was able to realise how good things are and that while there are always things to work toward, actually, things are pretty bloody good! I knew that already, but it’s nice to really contemplate it! For the record, I hope you’re charging lots for your public speaking and if you’re not, you should be!

Kristy Smith


Hi Josh
I was one of the year 12 students from Mansfield Secondary and I just wanted to thank you so much for your very inspirational story.
Sharing your story with us really helped us realize that there is always something better waiting around the corner and that you have to strive for what you want in life to achieve greatness, and that’s something you truly did.
I couldn’t think of any other way to finishing off our schooling and I think all of the year 12 would agree.
So thank you for the wisdom and words of determination that you shared with us because it’s something that we will remember for a very long time.

Hey man,

I’m from Port Melbourne and I go to Albert Park College I was one of the privileged students that got to hear your story and I just wanted to say you’ve given me a new view on life It was so amazing to see you in person I’ve heard about you and seen you on the Internet heaps I also had some black money clothing anyway I just wanted to say that you are my hero you really are such an inspiration I’d love to go and have a meal or something with you sometime and have a chat, thanks for coming to my school hope you enjoyed it as much as I did

Hey there,

I am one of the faces in the crowd from Mansfield High, & I’d just like to say a huge thank you. You know how in school you often get asked who your inspiration/role model is. Well, up until now, I have always struggled to answer that question, as I had never really known someone who makes me think, and someone who I aspire to have the same attitude as. But I can safely say that it’s now you. I hope you know that, excuse my French, you are fucking amazing. Your story, for whatever reason, really hit my heart and I just want to say thank you for sharing it with us. I can tell that quite literally everyone loved it, and your mixture of emotion and humor was perfect. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Your bravery will continue to inspire me with whatever challenges I will face in my life. Thank you

Hey, I go to Mansfield I just wanted to say thanks for Wednesday! You were the biggest inspiration ever! I was crying at one stage you taught me to keep pushing forward!

Because thought my schooling I have thought of giving up on life and I just loved your talk

Mansfield High School Students


We were privileged to have Josh Wood speak and sign his book at Project Walk Atlanta. He was phenomenal. The crowd was excited and and up beat. He motivated the audience with his gut wrenching story of struggle and determination to one day walk again. His book is a must read for anyone going through trials and tribulations.



Wow! What a great night we had with Josh last night. Everyone was amazed at Josh’s story. Thank you so much for sending him to us. His mother Kay came with him and what an amazing woman she is – must be where Josh gets it from. We inducted 3 new members last night so we made a very favourable impression on their family and friends. There were also some members of other clubs in attendance, and they are keen to bring Josh’s story to their own clubs. Our members want Josh to come back later in the year to tell us about the USA trip, and Josh has told me he will come back whenever we want him. I will be in touch with him and with you about dates soon.

Beverly from Diamond Creek Rotary


Josh i heard you speak on ABC radio today, unfortunately i had bad reception so didn’t catch it all.  but i did catch the essence of your spirit & sheer determination to enjoy life.  You & your Mum & family & friends must be so proud of you!!  keep it up mate

 Lee Rooney


What an inspiration you are Josh to many others in the same  position as you.With the wonderful support of the people around you ,you WILL continue to improve. Be strong,and keep looking forward…one step at a time.

 Susan Freeman


Josh Wood was an inspirational speaker, our student audience were spellbound by his story of success, disaster, and recovery.  He spoke about the importance of having big goals, keeping positive people around you and believing that you can do the impossible.  The story that Josh tells of rebuilding his life after a snowboarding accident that left him a quadriplegic, and how he managed to ‘walk’ out of the hospital door less than twelve months later is nothing short of amazing.  Our students connected strongly to Josh through his enthusiasm for life whatever comes your way.  His message is not about survival it is about self belief and living life to the full.  An inspiration speaker.

Janette Llewellyn
Rowellyn Park Primary School


Josh, my daughter has told me with some enthusiasm of a talk you did yesturday at Rowellyn Park PS. She was very impressed with your positive, do not give up attitude. Ashlee snapped her arm and after 3 opperations, she now proudly tells of the plate with 5 pins in her arm. BUT she has been overly causious to get back into activities. After yesturday she is going to, with due diligence, get back into some of the many activities she enjoys. So thanks heaps, Regards



Glen and I are the Territory Leaders for the Yarra Ranges Breyk-Throo where Josh attended yesterday morning with Amelia and spoke for us.  It was great to meet both of them.

I would like to thank Josh for his time and for the amazing talk that he did.  Those I have spoken to that were there have all said that they really enjoyed his talk and the inspirational way that he has recovered from his “broken neck” as he calls it.  The message that he has and the bravery with which he faced his recovery and sheer belief in that recovery touched us.  I hope that he has the opportunity to speak at Breyk-Throo again and I wish him and Amelia all the very best in America and that he gains all that he expected from the treatment and more.  We expect to see him without his stick next time. J

Sara Patrick 


Hi Josh,

My name is XX, you came to my school today ( 16/6/11 ) i go to Rowellyn Park Primary school Carrum Downs. You are a amazing person you have inspired a lot of kids including me:) i want to be just like you …. i am the girl who came up to you when you finished talking and when a few kids came up to you and asked for your autograph i said to you “can i please have your autograph… and can i please have a love heart?” Haha um well any way i just wanted to let you know that i REALLY enjoyed your talk about never giving up today:) there are a lot of things that i thought i wanted to give up on but i no after that , that life is hard and being a kid is hard ,growing up is hard… but there is always a happy ending.. i am about to have a look at your girl clothes and stuff and i remember you saying “i’ll have to get you guys a hat like myn if you guys like them so much ” to me and two of my friends and… i really like you hat and i think i remember you saying that you sell those hats at your shop too and i can just tell I’m gonna like them one too Haha. well i hope you email me back:) and i hope that you come back ad visit us cos I’m sure that our principle will invite you back i think she really liked you:)

Thanks Josh


i loved your story and feel soooo bad for you man… after soo much as things got better for you they also seemed to get worse but don’t be to sad about your friend who recently passed coz it may be bad but just think of it like he’s just travelling a little further in life then you leading the way for others to soon follow i no how it feels to lose some one in your life coz i lost my step dad 3 days ago due to drugs … your an amazing man

xxx from rowellyn park


I heard you speak on Melb radio yesterday and am off to get your book to give to a friend who had just become a quad falling from his polo horse I hope he has the same drive to recovers you have well done all the best to you and thankyou for telling your story.



Josh you are a total inspiration to both Mat my son and I as we on our journey with Mat at the similar age with his SCI.
You give us so much hope.
Your complete openness and honesty has really touched our hearts.
I believe every one with all walks of life should read this book.
Thank you so much
Wishing you all the very best

Nikola Smith


Loved this book! Although it was tough to relive some similar experiences (the flat out fear is so familiar), I’m so proud and grateful to Josh for putting it out there for all to read. Raw and inspiring!!!



Josh what an inspiration you are. In October my husband and I had a fatal motor bike accident in Orbost Victoria. My husband died at the scene and I was fighting for my life on life support and uncontious. I am lucky to be alive and I am still in rehabilitation. I cannot walk at this point in time and need one more operation to hopefully be able to walk once again.
Thankyou for your story. It gives me true hope.

Deborah Curnow


It was a privilege to meet you yesterday and I hope our support will help you in some small way. I am touched by what you give back to so many and wish you well for the future.

Neal Durling – Medical Financial


I have known Josh for sometime now and the determination he has had for himself and success he has now achieved is remarkable! he has always been such a positive supportive person to all the people he loves and cares about, and the dream that has now miraculously become a reality is a well deserved positive karma for all he does for others. A special thanks needs to go to his mother Kay and his loving wife to be Amelia for the support and love they have given to Josh from the very start. Josh i wish you all the best for your future which holds so many possibilities for both yourself and also the many friends, families and fans that will forever look up to you. All the best,





11 thoughts on “Testimonials & Comments

  1. Deborah Curnow Reply

    Josh what an inspiration you are. In October my husband and I had a fatal motor bike accident in Orbost Victoria. My husband died at the scene and I was fighting for my life on life support and uncontious. I am lucky to be alive and I am still in rehabilitation. I cannot walk at this point in time and need one more operation to hopefully be able to walk once again.
    Thankyou for your story. It gives me true hope.

  2. Neal Durling - Medical Financial Reply

    It was a privilege to meet you yesterday and I hope our support will help you in some small way. I am touched by what you give back to so many and wish you well for the future.

  3. Steve Nielsen- Ascent Wealth Management Reply

    Great to meet you and your mum over in Bunker Bay and thanks for telling us your story. You’ve overcome so much- with still a way’s to go but your facing it head on. The grit and determination that is deep inside will mean that you will “ditch the stick”. I reckon you got your fire in the belly from your mum- an amazing woman ! Thanks mate

    • kay Reply

      Thank you Steve, the support of the MLC delegates has been phenomenal,
      we enjoyed speaking to you all.

  4. Greg Reply

    It was great to meet you and hear your story back in March over in Bunker Bay. How is the funding going to get back over to the USA and walk unaided by the end of the year? How can we keep updated?

  5. Roberta Reply

    My husband Peter, was involved in a motorbike accident on the the 2/11/2012. He has C4 quadroplegia, The surgeon has told him there is no hope.
    This is Peters worst nightmare and expressed his wish not to go on living and the surgeon has told both of us that we should respect his wishes. I need your help to get my husband in to a positive, strong state of mind.
    He needs to see that there are people and stories like yours.
    I would be most grateful if you could you please contact me via email.

  6. Georgie Reply

    I have known Josh for sometime now and the determination he has had for himself and success he has now achieved is remarkable! he has always been such a positive supportive person to all the people he loves and cares about, and the dream that has now miraculously become a reality is a well deserved positive karma for all he does for others. A special thanks needs to go to his mother Kay and his loving wife to be Amelia for the support and love they have given to Josh from the very start. Josh i wish you all the best for your future which holds so many possibilities for both yourself and also the many friends, families and fans that will forever look up to you. All the best, Georgie 🙂

  7. Renny Reply

    Loved this book! Although it was tough to relive some similar experiences (the flat out fear is so familiar), I’m so proud and grateful to Josh for putting it out there for all to read. Raw and inspiring!!!

  8. Nikola Smith Reply

    Josh you are a total inspiration to both Mat my son and I as we on our journey with Mat at the similar age with his SCI.
    You give us so much hope.

    Your complete openness and honesty has really touched our hearts.
    I believe every one with all walks of life should read this book.

    Thank you so much

    Wishing you all the very best
    Nikola Smith

  9. Kristy Reply

    Hi Josh, I had the incredible pleasure of listening to you speak at the AFA conference in Perth this morning. To say that I was blown away by you and your story is an understatement, you are a very remarkable human being and as for your Mum……amazing. Your story has forced me to take a step back and reformulate my game plan, but actually in reflecting I was able to realise how good things are and that while there are always things to work toward, actually, things are pretty bloody good! I knew that already, but it’s nice to really contemplate it! For the record, I hope you’re charging lots for your public speaking and if you’re not, you should be!

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