Walking Tall Against the Odds
From CEO’s to Street Kids, Josh uses his extraordinary life to empower and ignite people’s inner power, take control of their lives and be all they can be.
“A naturally gifted and compelling speaker,” “Charismatic”, “An awesome stage presence,” “Spellbinding”
It’s https://www.viagrasansordonnancefr.com/ a Miracle
According to medical science Josh Wood should not be doing what he does. He certainly should not be walking, albeit with the help of a walking stick.
By any measure this 29-year-old Aussie with the brooding good looks is remarkable and he is changing lives’ on a daily basis with his inspirational story, the power of his presence and message.
Life Changed in a Split Second
At 18 Josh Wood had the world at his feet literally, as an accomplished snowboarder with a promising international career awaiting him. After four months training in the Swiss Alps he returned to Australia full of optimism and bravado.
Back home on the Victorian snowfields Josh encouraged his friends to help him build a snowboard jump across an asphalt road. He was confident he would make the road jump without any problems. Throwing caution to the wind and rocketed down his makeshift jump at breakneck speed.
The second he left the ramp Josh knew he was in danger. His miscalculated approach, meant he landed on the icy road, instantly breaking his neck and paralysing his body.
It had taken a split second decision to change his life.
In hospital doctors gave him the devastating news. He was a quadriplegic and would never walk again.
Initially suicidal, Josh quickly became determined to prove the medical experts wrong. He WOULD walk out of the hospital he said. Doctors said this was foolish and unrealistic.
His mother Kay led a passionate, skilled and supportive team of non-medical therapists who worked secretly on Josh to restore his body and mind. Combined with his unbending courage and determination he DID walk out of hospital only months later – an amazing feat.
Now eleven years later, life still has had its ups and downs for Josh, and every day still comes with challenges, but wherever he goes Josh inspires scores of people in similar situations as well as everyday people, business executives and street kids. He empowers them to think about decisions in their life and what a difference a split-second decision can make for the rest of your life.
Over the years Josh has developed a formula which drove his success from paralysis and no future to walking and participating in all the sports and activities he participated in before.
Josh Wood’s Steps to Success, or how YOU can get back on your feet too
Harnessing the Power of VISUALISATION, your internal TV monitor
- Why small is beautiful when it comes to goals
- The importance of celebrating every step of success, no matter how small
- Who’s on your team? Know who and how to attract the right people in your life
- Your attitude determines your altitude in life, and it starts every day.
- Be your best friend, how to still the negative inner voices and find true inner guidance
- Learning from failure
- Mind Muscles. How to train your brain
- Making Miracles. The secret to attracting miracles through right action.
- Expect the unexpected.
- How the Universe will support you when you are on the right path
If you’d like to contact Josh to organise for him to present his powerful presentation at your school, workplace, sporting club or event, please get in Touch by filling out the contact form below
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Hi Josh my wife gail is in the Royal Talbot Rehab with spinal injury .She is determond to walk again The Doctors say she wont be able to.She is very self motivated and determond to prove them wrong Would you have time to contact her and give some advice. Regards Rob Clay. She has an Ipod in her room.
Hi josh , I was at the project walk melbourne dinner the other night i listened to your speech very closley , what an amazing story mate you are an inspiration to us all. I have been to project walk in Carlsbad with Harry mason to learn what they do over there and i am now training Harry in melbourne. Is there any chance i could meet you for a coffee for some tips on Harry’s rehab.
All the best
Hi Josh,
Our family has been seeing Simon Florieani and his team for over 11 years now and we used to see you regularly on a Thursday night. Then I heard you on 774 yesterday and I came home and told my partner about your story and we pieced together that it was you.
My son has started at the new Albert Park College where there is currently only 150 year 7’s. The Moto of the school is ‘Lead Create and Inspire’ and we are building an environment that will reflect our Moto for our current students and for students in coming years. Our current year 7 students are the leaders of our school and are a huge part of creating a positive and exciting learning environment. One of the ways I thought we could support and inpire our kids is to have a ‘Series of Inspiring Speakers’, and of course you came to mind!
We would love to have you present your story to our kids.
Not sure how it all works but if you could let me know that would be great!
Kind regards,
Jules Brooks
0408 020916
My partner Matthew is in his 5th and final year studying exercise science and physiotherapy at Griffith University Gold Coast. I have been with him the whole way, and i have seen how hard it is to have got through these years and hard work for him. He even had a stage where he was wanting to give up in his third year. He told me one day a few months ago that Josh was brought up in class, and he went into deep reading about Josh’s story. He said it made him know what he was doing was worth while, if he could help people in some way to become like Josh, give them the push. He also felt like he related to Josh himself. Not because he had any serious injuries, just because he pushes himself everyday in fitness and in becoming a physio. Im not sure what the protocol, or seminars Josh does are like, but matts class is finishing in a few months, and they will be having a physiotherapy ball, and a graduation, along with some very important last classes im sure. I would be so happy if it was possible for me to try and get in contact with griffth university and the physiotherapy coordinators, and work with them and josh to try and make it possible for him to deliver his story. I know it would make such a huge difference to matt and all these students who have come so far and are almost at the end. Thankyou so much
Hi, I am a social worker at McKellar Centre Rehab Centre Geelong. I am interested to find out more about your availability to speak to either our staff group and/or a social group we help to facilitate called Spinal Connections. I am keen to chat and find out more about your work.
Lauren Tyrrell
5279 2297
Could you please get in touch with me to discuss the possibility of organising you as a guest speaker for Yr 12 students in Melbourne?
Dates required would either be:
March 8th
March 9th
Thanking you in advance.
Tania Aoun
What an amazing inspirational journey Josh has been on. We are looking for a speaker to present for one of our clients who is runnning a client seminar in Melbourne on why insurance is important for the unexpected events in your life. Could you please advise Josh’s speaking cost. We have set an actual date yet but it will either be late June or early July.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Dear Josh,
My name is Emma McDowell and I am a Senior Consultant here at Saxton Speakers I have an event I am working on and think you’d be a great speaker for – I wonder if you could contact me asap on my direct line 02 8968 6606 I look forwrad to hearing from you.
Best Wishes
Hi Josh, my son Chance Burns is in rehab hospital 4 months after diving accident C4/5. we are heading off to US in 2 months when he gets out and wondered what your experience of Project Walk was? we are also considering Beyond Therapy in Atlanta at the Shepherd Foundation and wondered if you had any guidance on where to go to for rehab in US?
You are an inspiration and I ordered 2 copies of your book today.
I’m glad to see you have not let your injury define who you are but rather have taken it and become a bigger person for it.
Good luck to you.
Cheers Loz