PRISONER IN YOUR OWN BODY….. This pictures truly depicts what it is like to have a spinal cord injury, especially in the first scary few days, weeks, months and years……
Even more so if you’re a high level injury with no use of you hands or arms. To say it’s scary would be “sugar coating” the feeling of being a “prisoner in your own body”….. Family members ask me every time, “what do we do”….?
The best thing you can do is, just be there for your loved one, don’t over do everything for them, if you do everything for them, then their mind will get used to not having use of their arms and legs. Motivate them to try, massage their hands and feet constantly, even if they can’t feel it… The brain will figure out a path way, regardless of what the doctors say…. My mates, parents, family massaged my feet and hands for hours upon hours, day and night, never gloving up.
Then after awhile the constant massaging started waking up, my neural pathways…..
For the person who’s injured, who feels like a prisoner in their Own body, you need to figure out how the hell your going to escape…. So start thinking out side of the box, I talk about self belief a lot, but I don’t think many truly understand what I mean….
For me I never once let my self believe I wouldn’t move again, I completely convinced myself that I was just “broken” but would heal, I would mend, “my neck was fine”, “I wasn’t a quadriplegic, I had just broken every bone in my body, the zero sensation would come back, I just had to be relentless every single second, minute, hour of the day…. THIS WAS MY NEW JOB….. I had to break down the walls….. So I went to the “alternative side” of healing, the ones who gave me hope of recovery, the same ones I thought were “weirdos and witch doctors” before I was laying there feeling like a prisoner…..
I say to many I mentor, you can have all the money and help in the world but to truly break down the walls and feel free, no matter how free it is, big or small, you truly have to believe in yourself and that the work you are doing is working and will pay off. You have the strength and power to self heal, you can’t just sit there and expect someone else will “FIX YOU”… You have to dig deeper than you ever thought possible, you have to make sacrifices, but I can guarantee it will all be worth it, no matter what you gain back, at least you’ve gained more than what you didn’t have before. That prisoner feeling never truly goes away after having a spinal cord injury, because there’s always “something” but your new freedom, regardless the degree of freedom it is, will be more rewarding than anything money can buy….. #BeRelentless #MyStoryOurStory #Motivation #Motivated #NeverGiveUpPrisoner

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