My final 4 days at Project Walk

by Josh J Wood on Friday, 09 September 2011 at 00:59


The first 2 days after getting back from Vegas has proved I need to keep on top of my “great training” and not using bad habits to walk around, all the walking I did in Vegas really hurt my leg, after 2 days back I have finally got the strength back in my right knee, about to start my second last day of Project Walk, not looking forward to finishing, I appreciate all the people that helped me get here, whether it was friends and family that donated money at my fundraiser, people who trained me, the gyms that backed me and of course my mum and my girlfriend Amelia, you two see the other side of it all, probably the tougher parts to deal with … and last but not least, my amazing team that have worked with me here especially, Jase, Josh S and Kimber who where my A team, you guys are amazing and I owe so much of your knowledge to me getting better, carn’t wait to get back in March, time to start saving my pennys.

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