Imagine not being able to hug your loved ones?

Your baby

I didn’t have a baby but I had a crying grandma that I couldn’t hug to assure her everything would be ok…. The morning after my accident, my grandma first saw me in hospital, it truly broke my heart. She was too short to reach me and I couldn’t reach out to touch her, lying there, helpless not being able to console my crying grandma was a heart breaking memory I will never forget, BUT, I used that day to motivate myself to never give up on getting the use of my body back. We take so much for granted, the most simplest of things are the hardest to deal with….. Please friends appreciate the gift of movement, because there is so many in this world that would love the opportunity to be able to hug and hold their loved ones… #SpinalCordInjuryAwernessMonth #BeRelentless #Motivation #Motivated #MyStoryOurStory #NeverStopFighting

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