by Josh J Wood on Thursday, 01 September 2011 at 11:48

(I am doing this in capitals coz I am so excited)  I FINALY DID IT …!  Had a grueling 3 hour session with Josh S, battled with my right leg more than ever today and didn’t crack the shits, in the last 5 minutes something clicked in my head and a voice in my mind said, “youve passed your test, time to walk”, looked at Josh and said, watch this………………boom…….. It’s not as pretty as you all my think but I didn’t stumble, didn’t fall, didn’t drag my feet and planted my heal first instead of my toes………. I’ve got a huge road ahead but its finally embedded in my brain how to walk again………. I will admit I almost had a moment when I sat down after. I wish you all knew the struggles I had today but this was my finaly test I have stuck to my goals, I haven’t made excuses when I have had really bad days, I have kept training and keeping my mind on the goal. I have a long road ahead but at last I am on the right path…… I will be up loading the videos after dinner, Mealzy has it on the camera.

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