Day 12 … by far in my top 5 BEST DAYS HERE

by Josh J Wood on Tuesday, 30 August 2011 at 11:22

had probably one of my best days at Project Walk today, did alot of balance and slow movement with Jase n JoshS on stairs and single steps, the strength in my right leg has improved so much, its the small things that I struggle with and also un-locking all the bad habits I have done over 11 years with my right leg, basically haven’t been using it this whole time, thats where I went wrong hu hahaha…

It may take a while to ditch the stick, as I always thought but I have definitely ditched one thing and thats my ankle brace (which I relied on a daily basis), I haven’t used it in nearly 5 weeks, in fact I dont even know where it is, JUST LIKE MY WHEEL CHAIR … … I am most definately coming back for another 6 to 8 weeks to Project Walk, planning on March next year, its a long road but I am finally on the right path in correcting my walk and getting my life back on a whole new level, the team have taught me “how you actually walk”… sounds silly but trust me, its a key I havent had in 11 years and I am having break-throughs every day while I am here, sooooooooooooooo excited … … now time to take my girl out on a hot date (haven’t had a chance since we have been here), she has been such an amazing support over here and having mum here also has been so rewarding and glad they both get to be a part of this new chapter in my life … thank you all that have supported me, I have stayed dedicated and stuck to my word of keeping focused and fit and working my arse off (and resting), without the support of my mates, family, new friends and my girl, none of this would have been possible, thank you all so much again, this experience has been one of the biggest and most important therapies I have ever had … THIS IS ONLY THE BEGINNING!
by: Josh J Wood

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