Day 10 -11 at Project Walk Carlsbad

More great news, Josh has achieved some amazing breakthroughs these past weeks, yesterday we were told they are hopeful of Josh running, this is amazing and way out of the original goals set by Josh in those dark days, thank you Project Walk Carlsbad Team.
by: Kay Ledson

Day 10 at Project Walk went pretty well, was mainly all about the small movements which I need to work on the most, and strength and trust work on my right leg. Started Day 11 at 8am today, did 25 min on the pushy and not letting my foot point down, then did a heap on lunging and right hip strength work… augh!   Had some cool break throughs with Jason to, after 3 hours with the boys, Mealz and I spent another hour at the gym doing weights, I came here to kick butt and stay focused, even more on the days when I feel flat or tired, not here to slack off!  Feel awesome!  ALSO, I may not have ditched the stick just yet but the ankle brace I’ve used for over 7 years hasn’t left my luggage bag, in total I haven’t needed it or wanted it in 5 weeks now and I’ve done way more walking in those 5 weeks than I have in 11 years, thats half way there I guess.
by: Josh J Wood

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