If you’d like to get in touch with Josh in regards to booking him for our next function, team building session, one on one mentoring or media engagement then please use the form to the right or details below to send through your enquiry…


CALL: +61 419 329 057

If you would like to send a message of support or a testimonial to Josh please use the comment form at the bottom of the page, or via Facebook…

Relentless Walking Against All Odds
Josh Wood

Josh lives in Melbourne, Australia and is available for public motivational speaking engagements in a variety of settings, and is always interested in opportunities to support the Spinal Cord Injury world.

We’ll be constantly updating this site with more information about how Josh could impact your lives and the lives of those around you and all messages of support will be read by Josh.

Thank you for your amazing support.

87 thoughts on “Contact

  1. Grant Reply

    I heard your story on SEN 1116 and was amazed by your spirit and courage to never give in and never doubt your own abilities. I study a justice course at (…) for those wanting to gain jobs such as police or customs. I would love if you would be able to come and give a speech to us about what your injury was like and how your self belief gave you, not only the ability to walk again but the ability to never give up on yourself and achieve the most out of yourself. You are truly inspirational!

    • Chris Fisher Reply

      Hey Josh,

      Thanks so much for the book. I tweeted at you, but did not hear anything back. I am looking forward to reading your book. I am buddies with Mike Smith and I rep Mike speaking in schools. Let me know when you are going to be in the States. Please let me know if I can help you out.

      • Nikola Smith Reply

        Hi Josh and Amelia

        Thank you for you book, it has given me hope and determination as my son 17yrs is currently living life with his SCI at PA Hospital in Brisbane after 5 months.
        His story starts very similar to yours a mad keen BMX rider, and motocross rider is his total passion. Infact it means every thing to him.
        Mat had his injury while out with friends having fun on his BMX , his thrill of jumping his BMX ended with this life changing event, when told you are a c5 c6 complete,

        We would love to attend one of your speaking engagements in Brisbane, or pay for your support as a mentor!

        I would love to hear from you if you have the time.
        Kind regards


    • Declan Callahan Reply

      Hello josh i’m doing a project about you at school because you inspire me
      when where you born?

  2. sarah Reply

    Hi Josh,

    I’d like to have a chat with you about doing a story for the George Negus program on channel Ten. Is there a number I can call you on to have a chat?
    Alternatively you could contact me on either 9275 1196 (Im in Melb) or on th emobile 0407 162 530.



  3. Angie Frankeni Reply

    Wow, I was getting chills reading about this amazing story!!! As a chiropractor I know about the healing potential of our bodies, but I am still in awe of Josh’s story. I am very interested in getting some details for the gala ball in July (?) and also some info on possibly getting Josh down the peninsula to talk to our community? Thank you so much for the inspiration xx


  4. Greg Whitecross Reply

    Hi Josh

    Was so very inspired when I heard you talk on SEN earlier this week. I have just joined the Ballarat Sportsmens Club in Ballarat and they have monthly dinners with guest speakers on the first Wednesday of each month. I am not sure what they can afford to pay, but could you please give me some idea of what you would need to talk for our group and if you would be available.


    Greg Whitecross


    0438 321 504
    5334 4358

  5. Karen Reply

    Just wondering if Josh is available as a motivational/inspirational speaker in schools? I am a Student Wellbeing Coordinator at a big primary school in (), and am really interested in having Josh share his story with our Year 6 students. Particularly the aspect of his seminars “Your attitude determines your altitude in life, and it starts every day” !

  6. Wendy Gorrie Reply

    My brother has just had a climbing accident, he is an adrenaline junkie just like you! We would very much appreciate if you would contact our family to provide some information and advice and to chat in more detail. We found your story extremely inspirational and any help you can offer would make such a difference. Many thanks, the () family and friends (Glasgow, Scotland)

  7. Roscoe Reply

    Gidday Josh,mate when I was nearly 21 (now just turned 53) I was hit by a drunk driver (hit&run) in Sydney while riding my motorbike from Newcastle-sustain alot of injuries including breaking my neck-2 places-lower back 2 places and damaging my spinal cord which left me in a H frame bed with the crown of thorns rigged up on my head for 7 months and a paraplegic in a wheelchair for 2yrs- I have always been a sporty person being athletics was,and is still a big part of my life-I’m off to the World Athletic Masters Championships in USA in July to run 3 distance events this is my 17th rep for Australia-12 open,and 5 masters Internationals-My Respect to u Josh- Onwards,and Upwards mate-take care Roscoe

  8. Carolyn Irons Reply

    HI Josh,

    Saw your article in the paper, amazing story.

    I’ve suffered 3 disc buldges in my lwr back and had chronic pain, hence me learning how to be a bowen therapist & helping others (through my own experience).

    Mayb I can donate a bowen treatment for one of your fundraisers down the track as I’m only working part-time and would like to build my business and promote it (and help others) further.

    I’m going to donate some bowen down at sacred heart also starting next week.

    I wish you every happiness.

    Yours in Peace & Wellbeing,
    Carolyn Irons 🙂
    St Kilda East

    • kay Reply

      Hi Carolyn thank you for your feed back, and positive comments on Josh’s article… If your around Saturday 25th pop into the Barkly Josh is having the fund raiser there cheers Kay

      • Kay Ledson Reply

        Hi Karen my sister said you came down to Josh’s function Saturday, thank you so much for your support, maybe one day we can catch up cheers Kay

  9. Denise Crilly Reply

    Hi Kay,

    I wasn’t able to make it to the fundraiser last week, but would love to meet with you to discuss an ongoing fundaising idea that I have.

    You can contact me via my email address, or on 0409521173.


    PS: I heard about your St. Kilda fundraiser via Sipser Family Chiropractic.

  10. Keighley Sutherland Reply

    I heard you interviewed on SEN in May. What a brilliant, inspiration you are. I jumped straight on this site and purchased ‘The well adjusted soul”. I just haven’t recieved it yet. Any chance you could contact me on the email provided and let me know what I can do?

    • josh Reply

      hi keighley thankyou so much for the kind words and support by buying the book, have you received it yet, kind regards josh

  11. Catherine Reply

    Hey Josh,
    would you have some time to meet with my 12 year old daughter – Issy – she is paraplegic and working towards her goal to recover as much function as possible .She has some wonderful people around her – we’ve been to Project Walk 2009, she has an amazing yoga teacher and has regained feeling and function below her point of injury. She’s working on crawling at the moment. anyway, I get the feeling that you’d have a few wonderful pearls to share in regards to training and the power of the mind, and your young & bold !!
    love it if you could make contact with us,

  12. Terry Reply

    Hi Josh

    Hope all is well mate. Congrats on getting back on the bike and hitting that ramp too, that must have been a big day.

    My name is Terry Condon and I work as a strength and conditioning coach at the Richmond football club. One our players has recently learned he needs major hip surgery which will mean he will be sidelined for a long time and and he faces the possibility that he might never play again at any level. I was wondering if it might be possible to organise for you to meet him at some point. He goes in for surgery in about a week and his rehabilitation will be extensive. I think any advice you can give him on how you managed to maintain a positive mindset and beat the odds would be great for him.

    please email or call me (0408650972) if this might be a possibility


  13. Stephen Bradury Reply

    Hi Josh,
    Heard you on 774 yesterday on Melbourne Radio.
    I was interested in your story as I am a walking Paraplegic.
    I have been an incomplete Para since 1978, had my accident in 1973.
    My level of incapacity TL7.
    I would like to chat to u if possible and just talk to some one who suffers the same pain in the legs and other stuff as no body including Drs dont understand only those who suffer it can.


  14. julie Reply

    Dear josh congrats on your hard work,Iam completly amazed at your story and the hard work from your mum,that brought a tear to my eye,I started working for allied community health[ head injury pts] I have a woman who is 60 who got into a car accident when she was 42 and cant walk,do you think theres hope after all this time.This job doesnt pay much but its so rewarding and that means more than money. I would love to help her walk again.Can you do every thing that you used to do before the accident?Iam truely happy for you.
    julie [ ct.]

  15. Peter Murray Reply

    Hi Josh. I am the national manager for the Walk on program run by Spinal Cord Injuries Australia. We are a Project Walk accredited facility and we have been operating in Brisbane for 3 years and Sydney for 1 year. We will open centres in Perth and Melbourne later this year after new staff have been to Project Walk for training. I would love to give you further details or just catch up to see how you are going. My phone is 0408 418 600. Best regards. Peter Murray

  16. burn Reply

    hi Josh,
    i never found it on the website, may i ask what level exactly you are – and whether you’re complete or incomplete.
    thank you!

    burn C6/7 complete

  17. Jo Liebelt Reply

    Hi Josh,

    My 25 year old brother had a motocross accident nearly 12 months ago. At the time of the accident he crushed a number of vertebrae but could still walk etc. The doctors suggested holding off on surgery to see how they heal. He spent a number of months off of work, taking numerous morphine tablets just to get through the pain. About 4 months after the accident the doctors did another scan and decided he needed surgery to have rods inserted on each side of his spine. He had this on the 25th of May 2011. Something happened during surgery and when he woke up he couldn’t feel from his belly button down. The surgeons couldn’t tell us exactly what had gone wrong as all they could see on the MRI was swelling. He spent a week in the Royal Adelaide Hospital then was transferred to Hampstead Rehab centre. Since being in Hampstead he has made some progress. He had a meeting with all his doctors late last week who have finally admitted to making a mistake during the surgery as now they can see where the spinal cord is damaged and clinically in their opinion he will not walk again. Being told this was a huge kick to the stomach as I’m sure you can imagine. He does, however have a fantastic attitude to all this and is determine to prove the doctors wrong. I’m not sure if it is at all possible for you to talk to him, even if it was something simple like a phone call or email. I really think talking to someone like you will give him some more strength to carry on, as I’m sure you can relate to, some weeks are better than others. He was such an outgoing “kid” before the accident. He loves fishing, motocross, four wheel driving – all the boy stuff! When he was told after surgery what had happened he said he would rather be dead than in a wheel chair, I would absolutely hate for him to get back to this frame of mind. Anything you could do to make this happen would be enormously appreciated.
    Regards, Jo

  18. Greg Perry Reply

    Hello Josh, had pleasure of hearing you speak last night at our Ballarat Sportsmans Club. Absolutely enthralling and inspirational.

    I was the person at the back of the room who go up to say that I had personal experience with your injury due to my brother in law being injured in April.

    I will be seeing him on Sunday at Talbot House and tell him about you. His name is John Meng and at 71 he is doing wonders with his rehab and my sister Helen hopes he is home (lives in Buninyong outside Ballarat) before Xmas. Its only been through his guts and determination that has helped him get where he is and you certainly know all about that.

    I will pass on your mobile and website to encourage John/Helen to make contact with you Josh. A visit to Talbot by you would do wonders for John but will get their ok first mate.

    Kind regards

    Greg Perry
    0418 518 182
    6 October 2011

  19. Caroline Reply

    Hello Josh! I’m the reporter you met in Carlsbad. I’m writing a magazine article about Project Walk. I’d like to send a photographer around to get some great pix of you. Are you around next week?

  20. Yvonne Neilson Reply

    Hi Kay

    I met you at the recent Risk Store conference and we are holding a small event we would like you/Josh to be the recipient of the funds for to help you out with Project Walk. Can you give me a shout sometime to discuss? thanks 0400 800035

  21. David Martin Reply

    Josh, I’ve enjoyed reading your story and hearing an interview with Joan Jacobs. I was put onto them by someone trying to help me with really bad neuropathic pain, I’ve been struggling with it for the past three years. I had my accident 4 years ago in a car crash in South Africa and broke my neck at C6 so I am tetraplegic as well. I felt some empathy with you, at the time of my accident I was as fit as ever (older than you though) I had been competing in an extreme marathon in the Kalahari Desert and had rowed across the Atlantic the year before as well as running and rowing generally. I also feel I want to be as ‘normal’ as possible and try and avoid getting involved in disabled things, I also hated my time in rehab.

    What I haven’t done is get any movement back, were you diagnosed as incomplete? and I feel it’s difficult sometimes to keep trying when there are no
    results. My main aim at the moment is to control the pain which is a mental thing to.

    I have also been to a version of Project Walk setup here in the UK, it is brilliant but I have struggled with the journey there ( 2 hours ) and run out of money so I haven’t been for a while but I do as much as I can at home.

    Sorry I didn’t mean to give my life story but I would love to hear from you and get any tips or advice you may have (and maybe visa-versa) that could get me focused on starting to get my life back.

    Many thanks, regards


  22. bob gilchrist Reply

    Josh just heard a little about you on sen came inside to look you up on the net. Watched your video, great to see your doing so well. Keep that smile going and you will have the world in your hands.
    Best of luck in what ever you do.

    (ex hobson teacher)

  23. Jesse Reply

    Hey Josh

    Heard the end half of your story on the AM radio today, very inspirational mate. I’ve got a notion that the nerves are just an extension of the brains wiring system and that nerves are constantly being re-taught, however science and medicine hasn’t yet caught up to discovering just how this works. Your a bit of a miracle, somewhat of a prodigy and a great scientific resource for future generations.

    Unlike yourself and others, I haven’t injured myself to any great degree, although I also believe being humble is about realising a lot more people are worse off than than myself during the darker times of ones life.

    Keep up the good work.

    I don’t think I recall hearing how you had the accident, but I’m thinking if it were snowboarding, oneday someone may invent a special snowboarding suit that would help protect (strengthen) the skeletal system for professional boarders, obvisouly one that wouldn’t cause more injury than without one nor cramp the riders flow/style.

    IT could very well involve specially designed crash test dummies with sensors, at least to test the basic performance of the suit, possibly a small parachute and/or suit that inflates to cushion the riders prior to impact when they expect they will stack.


  24. Paul Fairhurst Reply

    Hi Josh

    You and I share a similar story. In June this year I suffered a spinal cord injury. I was quadriplegic and my wife was told that I had a less than 10% chance of walking again. I heard a different message from my body – a very loud and clear but calm message that I would make a full recovery. 3 months after the accident I walked out of hospital. Now I walk quite long distances with no support and at reasonable speeds. There is still a lot of work to do, but I know that I have potential to make a lot, lot more progress, and I’m ready to take it on – with the support of family and friends and any other sources of motivation and inspiration I can find.

    Could you send me your email address please?


  25. Matt Reply

    G’day Josh,
    You are one for the record books mate, and I bet there were many dark days. While I am not a big adventurous crusty demon type, I can only imagine how hard you have fought, and so when adversity is in my way I will think of your story, and realise life is there in front of me for the taking.
    Good luck with all your dreams

  26. Glenn shields Reply

    I just watched your most inspirational story tonight and thought WOW, what courage. I even have a tear in my eye as I write this. We don’t know why we get thrown the challenges in life we do but they certainly come our way for a reason of which only you will have or will work out.

    All the best to you and your beautiful partner for the future.


  27. Sharon Swain Reply

    Hi Josh,

    I watched your story on Today Tonight and was so amazed at your personal achievement. In a situation that would be very easy to feel sorry for you, it is hard to, as I believe what your mum said when mentioning that you were meant to have this accident. From the outcome you have truly become a self-less person inspiring many. Your purpose in life is here. You are one of the pure miracle stories that we all love to hear about that makes us stop and realise there is more to life than our own selfish needs.

    Your mother and fiance are both great strengths and it’s easy to see that in those moments when it all seems too hard, they can hold you up. It is horrible to think that there are many out there that have gone through similar accidents however with your story, they may have got that glimmer of hope in hearing you. That’s all that is needed sometimes.

    You are a stand up guy. Well done to you and for the future.


  28. Tony Foulstone Reply

    Hey Josh

    Recently saw your story on Today Tonight. Good on you for having such a positive attitude. It just proves that there is always hope…no matter what.
    Well done and all the best for you and Amelia for the future

    Tony Foulstone
    Grafton NSW

  29. Sharon Brockman Reply

    Hi Josh,
    I have just finished watching your amazing but beautiful story on today tonight and now that i have stopped crying (because it was so touching) i am able to write to you to ask for your help in anyway possible. My daughters partner of 8 years Jason (age 25) had a snow boarding accident in Canada on April 25th, 2011 and damaged C6 has become a quadraplegic and told he had a 1% chance of walking again. Your stories are so smiliar it blows me away. Jason was also a motorbike rider, snow boarder, wake boarder generally anything that involved being an adventurist. Jason has just completed 8 months at the Royal Talbot Hospital in Kew and has come such a long way with his injury due to his mind and determination, he is still in a wheel chair but now has movement in his left leg. Jason’s attitude towards his disability is amazing, he also says this happened to him for a reason and he will learn from it . He is an inspiration to people around him with his positive attitude and is always looking for ways to improve his situation. Have you got any advice or inspiration for Jason that can give him more positive energy, he is always open to new idea’s and i believe would love to have a chat with you. I could go on forever talking about this situation but i thought it might be worth a short email to see if you are willing and able to help in anyway.

    I love your story and determination and am so grateful you put it out there into the media for the many people who need to know there is always something positive that comes from something so negative. Good luck for the future and keep up the huge effort so you can reap the rewards.

    Regards, Sharon

  30. phill Reply

    amazing story josh, i too am a quad, c5, problem is, i never moved any of my body parts below the chest for 12 yrs? you realise how good life is hey, its a real eye opener, having someone get you out of bed, do your poo for you, feed you, you know what i mean, i just live through my 2 boys, young bloke has a 450 now, cause i push him hard, nowhere to ride here but, guess my dream is over.

  31. Tarnya Reply

    Hey Josh , You truely touch my heart tonight when i saw you on today tonight wow . what a stroy you have to share . Its Great that you are walking through everything that happy . I’m very happy to hear you doing all you can each and everyday .

    I would love to met you one day and talk to you about your truely amazing stroy .

  32. Sam Reply

    I wish I’d heard about you a year ago, while I was awaiting back surgery for severe degenerative disc disease in my lumbar spine. I know, no big deal….
    But you know how they have to tell you all the possible outcomes before your surgery? – If they “zig” instead of “zag”, you may not walk again yadda yadda yadda….. Well that kind of talk really got to me and I was terrified of what could happen.
    You were facing what WOULD happen, what DID happen, yet you found the inner strength to not only survive, but excel.
    My surgery went fine and now, nearly 12 months on, I can feel my legs again; I can lift (kinda!) my kids; and on March 3rd, just to prove to myself that I CAN, I’m going to accompany MY hero, my Personal Trainer Jasmin Newman, to the Tough Bloke Challenge in Melbourne and I’m going to finish it right by her side.
    It’s people like you who give people like me the push we need to succeed when we feel we’re facing the insurmountable.
    My goal is so small compared to yours. My injury so minor. It makes me realise just how lucky I am.
    Thank you, Josh. Thank you for your strength and determination. Thank you for your tenacity and never-say-die attitude.
    Just, thank you.

  33. Sam Reply

    Just reading all the wonderful posts by so many wonderfully inspiring people!
    Josh, look at what you’re achieving!
    You’re “collecting” all these broken, damaged, injured people and you are making them realise the power they possess within themselves to be change agents in their own lives.
    Kay, you were right – Josh WAS meant to have this experience. So he can help all those who think they lack the strength to help themselves.
    You were put here for a very special purpose, Josh. And now, this purpose is becoming apparent. Well done!!!!


    Josh id just like to say i watched your story on the internet news mate your a true champion to defy the medical achievement you have done so far i wish you all the best to you in your recovery its great to hear something good in the news and congradulations on your engagement take care all the best

  35. ANGELA BURKE Reply

    Hi Josh
    I was so inspried by your story/journey, I think it is really amazing what you have achiueved.
    On July 14th, 2011 my 20 year old nephew (apprentice plumber) was electrocuted and burnt on a workplace accident, he spent about 2 months in Alred Hospital, first 4 weeks in a coma. The doctors are amazed, that he has come so far, as they all say that he should be dead, as het got 22,000 vaults through his body, which enetered through his head. Fortuntely, he has no brain damage. He is now in Royal Talbot Rehab in Kew. He has slight use of his arms, doctors still do not know if he will walk again, he gets around in a electric wheel chair.
    He also has burns to 25% of his body, he is a bit of mystery to the medical staff, as usually people do not survive such injuries.. His dad has not worked since this happened, he is by Anthony’s side from morning to a/noon, then my sister takes over after she finishes work.
    We are reall really proud of his strenght and will power that he has got him so far.
    I was wondering if you had the time, if you could visist him, as I think you would be really good for his morale.
    I am not sure what your fees are to go and visit someone, but could you please let me know, as if your fees are afforadable, I would love to pay you to go and sit and sinpire Anthony.
    Even though I do not know you, I am so proud of the miracle you have achieved.
    Take care
    Angela Burke

  36. John netherwood Reply

    Hey josh , I’m not sure if u remember we went to primary school together, lived around the corner from each other near the cemetery, I read about you a few years ago when your bike was stolen, and tried the avenues to try and contact you, but failed anyway caught you on the tv, just wanted to say that your an inspiration. Good luck brother and stay strong always. 🙂

  37. Karl Reply

    Hi Josh,

    We have the good fortune of having a mutual friend in Mark Pesh. He sent me the clip from today-tonight.

    I don’t mind admitting I watched it with tears streaming down my face. To do what you’ve done in such a short period of time is truly amazing and motivational.

    I used to snowboard a lot when I was younger and was always in awe of the tricks you guys could pull. It still blows me away to watch the tricks you were doing in the clip.

    Hope to see you on the racetrack in China with me and Pesh one day!

    God Bless your Mum, she’s an Angel.

    All the best,

    Karl Walker

  38. darryl hayes Reply

    Woodstar, i lost your digits email/call me or monza for my mobile! peas

  39. Mark Charlesworth Reply

    Hello Josh,

    Hope you are well. Just read your story very inspirational, your never giving up and beating the odds shows true courage and determination, well done.

    I am a C6/C7 quad with damage to T1 as well, I use the term very quad lightly as I am one of the very lucky ones who walks with a walking frame after 7 years of intense rehab training and the world’s most stubborn mind guaranteed. I was originally told no chance of ever using hands or legs but then I am to stupid and stubborn to understand the words no and cant so I have been training with all types of physiotherapy and exercise about 3 times a day 5 days a week for 7 years now.

    I am in the process of training for a big charity event in 2012 at the Moses Mabhida stadium in Durban South-Africa where I am going to climb the 550 steps next year to raise ZAR 1 million for spinal cord injury and cancer (had a lymphoma many years ago) it has really inspired me to set goals and try and give something back to those less fortunate than me.

    If you like you can follow my progress on Twitter @OneStepBeyondSA if you are on Twitter please send me your details.

    Once again seriously well done, what you have acheived is fantastic.

    best regards


  40. Craig Hammons Reply

    Would you please contact me I am a walking quad who is looking to get all back I can. I train and ride bicycle but want to get back to that next level I want to hear of your experience. Please Please contact me
    Craig C-5-6 Incomplete since 2006

  41. Bec Reply

    My brother was involved in an accident on Australia Day, He shallow dove into one wave and his world has changed…please please tell me everything you can so we can support him in whatever he chooses to do. Thanks

  42. Pattianne Gay Reply

    Hi Josh
    I was at the Risk Specialist Network conference in Bunker Bay WA a couple of weeks ago. Just wanted to say that after 3 days of listening to many very inspirational presentations you took the cake for the most inspirational of them all…..by far! I left the conference absolutely in awe of the incredible will, strength and determination that you have. I wish you and your family all the best in your quest to get back to Project Walk to, as you described, “ditch the stick” and support others in their journey to recover from spinal injury.
    Many thanks for sharing your story.

    • kay Reply

      Hi Pattianne Thank you for your comments, we really appreciate your support of Josh, in his efforts to return to Project Walk…

  43. Adam Moir Reply

    G’day Josh

    I hope all of the other Risk Specialist Network guys and girls have got behind their pledges mate. I’ve sent ours through today. Let me know the ones who haven’t and I’ll give them a bit of your stick!! ha ha. Good luck with everything, keep in-touch.

    Adam Moir
    (Fines master)

  44. Tracy Reply

    Dear Josh and Kay,
    I only just read about you and Tracey and Irwin, and found your stories absolutely incredible. I would like to find out more about the process of the rehabilitation, what treatments and associated tools are included and also about how we would go about getting one set up in Australia.

    I am a nurse and (in one month) and acupuncturist and I know that more is possible. I hope to discuss this (or hear more about it) soon!


  45. Lisa Reply

    Josh your story is so inspirational. I was wondering if someone could please let me know when the next fundraiser / event will be or whether there are any public talks I can attent?
    I fractured my thoracic spine last year and whilst my spinal cord was pressed, luckily it was not damaged. Recovery has been hard but stories like Josh’s have helped immensely!
    Thanks 🙂

  46. Ed Moran Reply

    Josh, I was at the Amora Hotel last night at the JBS seminar, and was blown away by your presentation. I’ve been spreading the word since. Thank you for sharing your incredible story with me, and I wish you every bit of good luck.

  47. Bec McLean Reply

    Hi Josh/Kay,
    I don’t know where to even start really… maybe with the uncanny similarities you share with my fiancé who had a bike accident last week which has resulted in him being a paraplegic. He shares the same last name as you, your mums names are the same and you are both dirt bike riders/racers/daredevils. And more than anything, I will do anything for him to be able to do what you have done – walk again. He is even in the same hospital in Melbourne as where you were, but he is still in ICU. I would love to hear from both your Mum and yourself as to what specific injuries you sustained, what the doctors told you, how you felt/dealt with it and how you got the ball rolling in terms of specialists and programs that helped you do what you did. I’m still very much realistic and am aware that every case is different but we will give a red hot go at anything for him. Please send me an email if you get the time. Cheers.

  48. Kristy Reply

    Hi Josh,

    I can’t believe the determination in you, truly inspiring man, bought tears to my eyes as my family is going through something very similar right now. If possible can you please contact me


  49. matt kenny Reply

    hey josh,
    matt kenny is my name, u contacted my mother after my dirtbike accident in the Hattah desert race. i’m a quad, currently in royal talbot rehab. heard u were comin back soon, it would be so awesome to talk with u! would be great to learn from u. i believe gav walker gave u my details. my contact no. is 0427081979
    hope to hear from u one way or another.

  50. Greg Jacobs Reply

    Something you may be interested in.

    I am also incomplete quad (browne sequard), since 1982, andc walk with a severe limp. Also completely paralized for the first week.

    Things I believe relating to science of the body:

    Healthy cells have a Cell Energy (Cell Membrane Potential) of -70 to -90 millivolts

    This lowers with unhealthy cells (-50 MV) for example.

    The water I found has an energy of -300 to -400 MV.

    This also seems to assist body energy

    If you would like to talk, see website.

    Regards, Greg.

  51. Mudit Mahajan Reply


    You are awesome , I had a c5 , c6 injury and still getting myself treated.

    You might wana try the ayuvedic treatment which gave me further strength physicaaly.

    Let me know if you wana more details as I have heard people walking normal after treatment.

    You are inspiration.



  52. danny brereton Reply

    josh my name is danny brereton . iwas a jockey up until 2.5 years ago. i had a race fall at monnee valey were i did a lot of damage to myself. worst of all was t6.7 spinal cord injury, which they said was asia b catorgry as useal said i would never walk again. you have obevisly heard that many times b4. i spent some time in Talbot but got myself out of there asquick as possible as thought they were not doing enough . i transferred myself to epworth richmond to be under the care of Gavan Williams. i move around on a walking stick a little bit but really should be useing two crutches.iwould love to get intouch with you josh as i have read so much about you and you maybe be able to give me some sound advice on what things you have found help full to you. it would be great if you could get in contact cheers Danny 0418888867

  53. Max Reply

    hi Josh,
    i heard a bit about your story on SEN last Sunday.
    i would like to get in contact with you to see if we can discuss you possibly coming down to Geelong at some stage.

  54. Eric Reply

    Hi Josh!

    I am excited. For the first time in 13 months, I have hope again. I was in a horrible motorcycle accident March 15th of 2012. I slid back first into a street sign pole doing 60mph, breaking my back at T11-12. I almost died. The doctors saved my life, then told me I had a 0% chance to ever walk again. I have never had hope since I took them at their word. I just saw a bit about your story, and I feel like I can hope again, that I will stand up out of this wheelchair and walk someday. Please, contact me with what you did; how you meditated, what you thought about, what you ate, drank, anything you think is relevent to how you healed like you did. I would be forever grateful for any advice you can share!

    Eric Z

    P.S. Congrats bro, you are living every para/quads dream!

    • kay Reply

      Hi Eric Josh’s Mum here. thanks for your post we love hearing from newly injured people as we have some great stories…
      Firstly where are you in the world?
      Secondly while we are waiting to connect can I refer you too the following facebook pages…
      Josh Wood
      The Son & the Mum
      Warrior Momz
      these are all pages we either contribute heavily too or they are ours..
      You will get alot of good information from them also we need a contact phone number depending where you are one of us will call you
      keep strong

      Submitted on 2013/04/10 at 4:59 pm
      Hi Josh!

      I am excited. For the first time in 13 months, I have hope again. I was in a horrible motorcycle accident March 15th of 2012. I slid back first into a street sign pole doing 60mph, breaking my back at T11-12. I almost died. The doctors saved my life, then told me I had a 0% chance to ever walk again. I have never had hope since I took them at their word. I just saw a bit about your story, and I feel like I can hope again, that I will stand up out of this wheelchair and walk someday. Please, contact me with what you did; how you meditated, what you thought about, what you ate, drank, anything you think is relevent to how you healed like you did. I would be forever grateful for any advice you can share!

      Eric Z

      P.S. Congrats bro, you are living every para/quads dream!

  55. judy russell Reply

    Hi Josh,I heard your incredible story on 2UE in Sydney a few weeks ago and was inspired,I am on the commitee of the Gary Walden Trust and we raise money for special needs children in the Sydney South West.Every year we have an evening in late august where we have a Benefit night to raise funds ,the night includes dinner,raffles ,auction
    and an inspirational speaker,on behalf of the commitee I have been asked to contact you to find out what your fees are for an evening and your availability,because as you can imagine we are quite limited in our funds as everything that we raise goes back to the children.I look forward to your reply
    Cheers Judy

  56. Graham Reply

    I feel lucky to have found this sight…4 months ago I broke my neck doing a gainer on my skimboard and damaged my spine from C3 to C6..When the doctors told me I had no shot at recovery, I too asked everyone who would listen to help me die. .I spent a month just relearning how to breath on my own, and at this point I can wiggle toes and move my knees with some difficulty. My arms move with poor range of motion and my fingers are starting to move a bit, but I’m still very immobile. As a trainer and bodyworker, as a surfer, I too don’t know what I would do without being able to run and swim again. . At this point I’m already moving more than anyone expected,and there’s No telling how far it will go, but still every day is a struggle and I don’t know how long it will last. Some correspondence would mean a lot. I have questions about your rehab, your progress, everything. Thank you for living.

    Graham, 21

  57. Ben Kuypers Reply

    Hey Mate,
    Hope you dont mind me contacting you but a friend told me about your story and immediately I wanted to know more.
    My name is Ben Kuypers and August last year 2012 I had a serious work injury on an oil rig. Breaking my neck at C5/6 level leaving me a complete quad with doctors saying the same thing of never walking again.
    I went on your website yesterday and you speak of how you used chiros/ and alternative treatments in your recovery? Im very interested in how you went about this any info would help because im sick of people talking about getting basic function to be in a wheelchair. I have to many things I want to do like get back on my bike, travel and continue my passion of oil/gas drilling all walking!
    Any chance of you contacting me with some info/advice would be so appreciated.
    Cheers Ben

  58. Richard Hewitt Reply

    Hi Josh, I’m from the UK I found out about your story through a website through research. I find your story inspiring. I have a C6 & C7 injury which has left me paralysed from the chest down, I have also lost some movement in my hands but they are getting a bit better. In my legs I have some feeling but I have a lot of sensation in my feet. Recently in physio they have had me stood up but it doesn’t feel the same. My wife massages my feet, legs and hands which really help with feeling and sensation. Would you be able to give me some tips on what else we can be doing? It’s been nearly a year since my accident but I will never give up the hope to walk.

    • kay Reply

      Hi Richard,
      I am Josh’s Mum Kay, thank you for your contact…we can only tell you what worked for Josh but we both KNOW that below injury recovery can be achieved… Can’t tell you what will improve but we believe any improvement is positive…

      If you are on FaceBook please add the following pages, there is awesome info on them that may help you
      JoshWood, WarriorMomz & the son and the mum…

      also look at the project walk websites there are PW in carlsbad California, Orlando and Georgia
      great info on these
      http://www.projectwalkconnect.com is a web site where you have social media access to people with SCI

      Warrior Momz is my organization…we have a weekly blog talk radio if you are on the Warrior Momz FB you will see the radio interviews posted…listening to them will give you a lot of information…

      I have also lost some movement in my hands but they are getting a bit better

      It’s important to focus on massaging your Hands and Fingers as your finger tips are your extremities and they should be stimulated as much as possible, try using things that you used to use, ie remote, cell phone texting. Holding the object visualise what actions you did to work them Josh used to visualize for long periods everyday – it works, but you must be disciplined…Focus on what actions you needed to do to pick up things, it’s hard but it becomes like and exercise…massaging these areas is really important.

      In my legs I have some feeling but I have a lot of sensation in my feet.

      This is awesome again focus on massaging the toes (Extremities) toes and feet …can you get a standing frame? Nothing will feel the same as the bodies/ nervous system ‘s messages are scrambled through the accident…
      Standing safely in a standing frame is good for you, you need to get used to standing again…

      Recently in physio they have had me stood up but it doesn’t feel the same. My wife massages my feet, legs and hands which really help with feeling and sensation

      Standing and massage very good, standing you must be safe though…

  59. Richard Hewitt Reply

    Hi Kay, Thankyou for getting back to me so soon. And Thankyou for the very useful tips. My wife and daughter have been doing a lot of research about project walk and we have read some amazing stories and we find them so inspiring. In the UK we don’t have no project walk just the NHS, and they cant offer much help, this is why we have messages you for some tips on what else we can be doing. At the minute I am in tickhill hospital which is a rehabilitation centre, I have an amazing physio called Dan he tries really hard with me and tries to get me stood up in a standing frame up to 2-3 times a week this is when I have a physio lesson. I know everybody is different but am just wondering how long it was until Josh was stood up on a standing frame and managed to get his balance, and took his first step? With your research have you ever come across any kind of help in the UK for people with SCI?
    Hope to hear from you soon.

  60. Richard Hewitt Reply

    Hi Kay thanks for replying. It’s Richards wife Shelly here I’ve been massaging Richards toes and fingers, also using different types of sensory brushes which I’ve been told is good for more sensory. Did you try this with josh? Physio put Richard in a standing frame last week which he said felt “brill”. What im also wondering is how long it took Josh to take his first step after his accident? And if Josh has sensation and feeling in his feet and legs?

    Thanks Shelly “Richards wife”

  61. Lisa Rimbach Reply

    This was such an inspiring book about a “never give up ” attitude. This was an inspirational read to show how anything is possible even when the odds are stacked against you. I enjoyed this book so much. The relationship between son and mum is fantastic. Get it…read it you will be inspired!!

  62. Julio Reply

    Hello Josh,
    Congratulations for your strenght and courage. You have an inspirational story.
    As you would know, many people who are in the first months with a SCI do not have the ability to read themselves (because it is difficult for they to pass each sheet). This is the reason why I believe it is very important that you put your book in a digital version, like a ebook by Amazon or the similar version by Apple. Please, let me know if this is something you would consider.
    I have your book, but I really need the digital version.

  63. Mary Vaccaro Reply

    Hi josh, I came upon your story very randomly, and I’m really glad that I did. I’m a C6-7 incomplete quadriplegic who was injured in a freak fall on June 11, 2012. I have been living in Miami doing intense rehab since my accident. I have had a very small amount of recovery since the accident (finger movement in 1 hand, para spinals and obliques). Reading your amazing story has given me a little hope back. I an open to trying anything…conventional and no conventional and would love to know what worked for you. I have been very positive with my recovery up until around 2 months ago, where I began to feel a bit hopeless. Any guidance you can provide will be greatly appreciated.
    Mary Vaccaro

  64. Briana Chapple Reply

    Hi Josh,

    This is a really amazing story, which a guy I went to high school with (Irwin) told me about. I am currently looking for an inspiring speaker to talk to a group of roughly 200 Year 10s. I was wondering if you are still involved in speaking at schools and if so, if I could talk to you further about this?

    Best wishes,

  65. Jaymie-Lee Spillman Reply

    Hey Josh,
    Im the one doing my school project on you.
    This website has helped me out so much! You have realy inspired me and I hope when I share my project for year 10 PDS ill get your story across.
    Thankyou sooooo much 🙂 <3

  66. Courtney Reply

    Hello Josh,

    My dad just very recently sustained an injury to his C6, the doctors are considering him a complete quadriplegic, although I am grateful he still has some function of his arms just not his hands this far. He is still in the hospital as he has had pneumonia since the accident, which is almost cleared up now. I am looking into some great rehabilitation facilities to get him into once he is capable. I was just curious as to what approaches your mom used for ways to lift your spirits and encourage you? What do you believe were the best things that helped in your recovery? Any information would be gratefully appreciated! Thank you.



  67. Danielle Reply

    Hi Josh, Marcie shared details of your walk from Royal Talbot to the Austin. I just wanted to let you know that we have posted your link on our QPEC Facebook page to raise awareness. If you can, please keep us updated with how you went. Our QPEC team is thinking of you today!

  68. Lana Reply

    Hi Josh

    I just heard you on Richard Stubbs radio program. I work with people with spinal cord injury and brain injury (often recently injured). Your experience with expectation setting in the hospital is not uncommon, and maybe the “sting in your tail” was a necessary evil but your story is a gift. Though their futures are uncertain, stories like yours bring hope, inspiration and motivation. I intend to buy your book, share your story, and give the gift of hope.

    I wish you and your knees a long and fulfilling future.

  69. valerie McGahan Reply

    It was such an honour to meet & walk with you today. You are an amazing inspirational man!
    Congratulations seems like such a wishy washy word to acknowledge your incredible achievement today. May you go from strength to strength & inspire those boys you did the walk for and their families & everyone else you have inspired & encouraged. My greatest regards to you & Amelia. Val McGahan

  70. Robert Hughes Reply

    Hi Josh
    A chance conversation last week has me contacting you.
    Your mate Ash told me your story after I mentioned that I was planning a trip overseas for rehab.
    He asked where I was headed – San Diego to participate in program @ Project Walk.
    I’m heading over in August for a one week assessment & then returning Oct/Nov to complete a six week program.
    I welcome any contacts that you can offer.

  71. Tracey Moore Reply

    I had the pleasure of listening to Joshs’ story today at the AFA Roadshow in Tassie. I have to say I left there feeling rather blown away at the sheer strength the human mind actually has. His journey and what he went through at what should’ve been the peak of his snowboarding career was truly inspiring and heart wrenching. Such a down to earth, grateful bloke, we could all take a leaf out of his book…. literally! To the Dr who recently told the other young boy not to read his book and that Josh was a liar….. How would you like your words? Swallowed whole with a little STFU on the side? Good on you Josh, I think everyone in that room today walked away never wanting to complain again about walking anywhere!

  72. Jessica Rose Reply

    On the 30th of July I’ll be coming to see you speak and I can’t wait to meet you, I’ve read about you and although I’m not a sporting person you are such an inspiration to me. Keep an eye out for the girl with the blue shirt and short blue hair!! I was chosen out of a few kids at Wodonga Middle Years College Huon Campus to come see you, and I’m practically honoured. 😀 I can’t wait to meet you!!

    • Josh Wood Reply

      Hi Jessica, thank you for your email, this is Kay Josh’s mum I have forwarded your email to him.
      Josh is very excited about meeting you all over the coming week.



  73. Charlie Reply

    You came to my school today and your talk and story was the best public speech i have ever seen in my life. so inspirational and you spoke about it so well. learned a lot about life and things we never really think of often. thank you so much can’t describe how good it was today! forever grateful for you coming up to Noosa on your tour to speak to us 🙂 so honoured.

  74. Clinton stewart Reply

    Hi Josh, been a long time and you may not remember but you and Justin Steele and I went to the x games in Sydney and gravity games in south Australia together many years ago. What you are doing is inspirational after all you have been through. Well done mate.

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