Book Review RELENTLESS walking against all odds

Never before have I read a book that has kept me in a whirlwind of emotions. I basically read it from start to finish in one sitting!!!!! I couldn’t take myself away! It was so real, so honest, so raw. To understand how we can take the simplest movements for granted. To see your determination your relentlessness to never ever give up!!!! To PROVE that we as a human being are so powerful!!! WE CAN HEAL OURSELVES! The mind is an extraordinary tool, we have so much to learn!!! This story needs to be heard…..more doctors need to be proven wrong!!!! We have the power within us. We all have the knowledge to heal ourselves……we just have to know how to access it!
I am in awe of Kay your mum what an amazingly strong woman, her strength, love, never give up attitude n her truth in her believing allowed you to know you could do it!!!! N wow Josh how lucky are you to have met a real life Angel….Amelia!! A true blessing, your own love n light standing there by your side to support you thru all your twists n turns.
This book had me in tears of sadness, feelings of pain, to points were I couldn’t read anymore n the tear drops were all over the pages, to laughing out loud at some comment or incident, to then tears of joy n happiness with me wanting to shout out….WELL DONE, YOU CAN DO THIS, YOU DID IT… it was as if I had a cheer squad in my head for you!
Josh you are an INCREDIBLE young man, you fought even when you were told it was impossible n thru all the negative you made a choice!!! That choice got you to where you are today! Truly a remarkable human being…..a man relentless in his journey to prove the impossible possible!!!! Thank you for sharing your story….I’m sorry I hadn’t had a chance to read it til now, you touched my soul n your book will never be forgotten!!! Really thankyou thank you for showing us truths! Much Love.

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