60 Minutes Program Spinal Cord Injury

60 minutes Feature

Okay so I’m not posting this out for controversy,BUT after watching the 60 minutes story on the young boy who was recently injured playing rugby, definitely proved that doctors label patients way to early and way too easily… Naming him a “complete”. Yes it was a very bad dislocation, but clearly his cord was in spinal shock more that damaged… To us that live this injury, we know the difference, but to the outside world there is no difference… On the other side of that, there was one thing this young boy said which was hopefully the biggest message most got from it, he basically said “I took my legs and movement for granted and never really appreciated it (not exact word for word) but now I will”….. Hopefully he will make a full recovery, but there is a massive difference between spinal shock and spinal cord injury… Two years before I broke my neck, I landed on a rock in the Swiss alps and couldn’t use my legs, an hour later the movement came back, I was very weak and numb for 2 weeks, a year later I found out I’d actually broken L 5… But because I was in Switzerland at the time, I didn’t get X-rays, I had no money and was only 16 and had no clue what I was going through…. At the end of all this, I always feel that NO ONE is a “complete injury”, unless their cord is completely severed in two pieces…. If your cord is intact, regardless the damage, there is still a chance of reconnection for below injury recovery, regardless, what that recovery will be there is still some hope…. Doctors need to drop labelling, it can change someone’s life for the worse, unfortunately I’ve seen the damage it can do by slinging words and labelling….
Keep strong everyone and never stop fighting and NEVER give up hope ….. JW
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